Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Guide to Social Videos, and Where it Fits in Your e-business

Upon reading the article and viewing the videos; 1. Please provide your thoughts on how you should best incorporate this type of content (video) into your business ideas. Is it for everyone?, Explain 2. Does the ROI for the social media justify the investment made in the website development? Explain. 3. Can you provide one other social video tip for your classmates?


  1. 1. I do not think that incorporating social videos is for everyone. Some business owners are used to traditional ways and will stick to that route. However, new businesses with the right target market will hop at this opportunity! If a 15 second video can grab the attention of a number of consumers, then why wouldn't the business want to use this type of marketing? Technology is advancing every day and this should be taken into account in order to market any type of product or service in the present or future.
    2. The return on investment is said to be impressive when using social videos. So, it is suggested that this type of marketing is used to provide a good ROI.
    3. Other than the helpful tips that were already provided in this article, I don’t have much else to advice. Keep it short and sweet, to the point, and make sure to catch the viewer’s attention!

  2. 1. I believe that every business should have a social video to promote their company. This is a good way to stay connected with your customer as they like to watch video instead of reading information.
    2. This is a good investment for a company that is trying to stay updated with the technology of today. It's an easy way to communicate with your customer base. As long as the video is short and sweet or straight to the point, it's a good way to keep your customers seeing a new way for you to do business. Some business won't use a social media video as much as it isn't right for their customers.
    3. The biggest tip is to show something that will make your customers emotional and something straight to the point, those are the videos that are most shared. Although short videos are the most viewed videos.

  3. 1) I believe that businesses should incorporate video content, and I think they should do it more often than not. I think the best way to incorporate video content is a video telling customers what kind of business you are and showing them what your businesses is all about. It might not be for every business but social media is getting to be more and more common, a lot of businesses are going to have to adjust to that and might have to make it "for them."
    2) Yes I believe the ROI for social media does justify the investment made in website development. The return on investment should be something that businesses are keeping tracking of with anything they put out on social media especially video's that way you can see what the customers are liking and seem to be engaging with and what isn't working for your business. The ROI is definitely something you want to follow and be aware of though.
    3) A tip I will provide is that social media is not slowly becoming the new way of advertising it is quickly on the rise, and it will always be as long as technology is. Keeping up to date with what is happening with social media and new apps, will be an important part of running a successful business in the future.

  4. 1. I think that every business should incorporate video content. I think that incorporating video content will allow you business to become more personal. When ever you go on the web it can sometimes to be hard to get a feel for a new business your checking out. However when you incorporate video then this give your business a more personalized feel.
    2. Yes, I believe that the ROI for social media will justify the investment made on the website development. Depending on who your target market is social media may not be right for you but it is always something to keep in mind. Keeping track of your ROI is also important. This way you can see where your strengths and weaknesses are.
    3. I think that videos need to be kept up to date. Sure its easy to product a video and put it up but then also its very easy to forget about it. I also think that videos need to have some meaning behind them making the customer feel like their video touched them on a personal level.

  5. 1. Having video content on your website is what all businesses should do. Having video content is a great idea because now a days "time is money" and most people don't want to spend all day reading something when they could just watch a short video about the it.
    2. The ROI should justify the investment. This is a great way to see what customers are liking and what they could do without.
    3. A tip could just to keep it short. Don't put to much detail into the video. If your customers want to learn more from the video you could put a small blurb explaining what the video is about. Making it personal is also a smart idea so customers can related on an emotional level.

  6. 1)Reading the article and watching the videos gave me a different perspective about producing a shareable video in my website. Although there are different types of videos depending on the purpose, some of them will fit better in your organization than others. Since my business is fairly new target market videos and target labour market videos are the most important. In regard to the question if the video created is for everyone. According to the article shareable doesn't mean viral. In other words, Perhaps your video won't be high rated in all the social media but it should be watched by your target audience. Therefore. It doesn’t need to be for everyone.
    2)As for The R.O.I, I don't think producing videos represents a major cost in the investment of creating a web site. Although design and quality will be a considerable fix cost in the creation of your website, Producing videos doesn't need to be expensive.. The most important thing in producing videos is to know the habits of your target audience in the net and follow the pattern. You don’t need to have a huge budget to create a video. a bit of creativity and a clear purpose are the most important elements.
    3) One tip I can provide for my classmates about how to produce a good video is being funny. fun videos are always shareable. In that sense, we are coming back to the article in which the author says that emotion content are more shareable than any other type of content.

  7. 1. For incorpoprating social videos into business ideas, I think that if I had gone ahead in developing my business project idea from last year, a social video about a candy store woulod have been ideal. Not only would it have made a nice addition to any social media pages put upp before the opening of the online store, it would have let viewers see the human side of the business. While customer interaction would have been very important to the business, a social video about behind the scens at wheat City Sweets, would have given viewers a "What do they do when I'm away" sort of feel. I think that Social Videos are maybe not for every type of business, but, a great majority of business could boost their reputation of the had social videos. For example, showing how tos, or casual firday videos or something alone that nature.
    2. Whie the ROI of social media does not directly justify ROI for website development, the two go hand in hand and having one is very important to the other.
    3. I think that a good social vidoe tip is to make it funny or at least goofy. People love funny videos and it really helps an organization be more human.

  8. These keep getting longer...

    1) How I should incorporate video into my business? Well that's really dependent on the business. Let's just say that every business SHOULD utilize it. Whether that means having your commercials available online, having non-tv commercials (super long, or content that might no be acceptable for broadcast), alot of businesses can benefit from how-to videos, and even interviews with customers or people from the business. I think everyone can benefit from some sort of video content (just not all kinds of video content) Like if you were Ford, a video showcasing your new car drag racing or on the track would be good, but an interview with the head promotions manager would be boring.

    2) The ROI of just Social Media isn't a good measure of your whole site. The whole site and all it's different facets are what should be measured. Social Media is just a small piece of your website's presence.

    3) Figure out what entertaining feature the video will have, and go from there. (If your promoting a product, figure out a funny script first, then figure out a place for your product) (Of if your promoting an organization, figure out the draw to the video, then make it work)

  9. 1) You should try to incorporate video from the get-go. By using video you are ensuring that your business will not be left behind in this day's technology. There might be some instances where video may not be utilized and in these cases (remote areas) the use of video might not be a good idea as it could cause frustration to the viewers.
    2) The ROI for social media does justify the investment made in the website development. Social media is just part of the website, but it can be very powerful.
    3) The one tip I would give would be to make the video entertaining and short. It has been proven that if you capture the audience in the first 30 seconds, you've got them!

  10. 1) Businesses should utilize the technology we have and go forth with different ways of using it. It can be extremely beneficial and empower your target market. It helps to really connect with your buyers and make them feel an emotional attachment to what you are selling or promoting. Just as mentioned in the article if businesses aren't using this they can be falling behind. It is such an easy and powerful way to promote their business and by having it be shareable can be viral throughout anywhere. I think all businesses should be using this, for myself I always seem to be watching different videos shown all over facebook and find many of them to make a difference in the way I think or do some things.
    2) The ROI on using this can be easily justified, it is so cost efficient and can show it really does make a huge difference, especially if the age you are targeting is between the 18-33 because of what they said for how often they are on it and grew up with it. It may not cover the whole website but if the business suites it and they know how to use it social media can have huge power in running a business.
    3) A social media tip would be to keep videos short and meaningful. If you can entice someone from the beginning with an emotionally pulling video then it could be longer but otherwise the shorter the better.
